
A dental bone graft is a procedure specialized to increase the amount of bone in a part of the jaw.

This technique is required when a patient has lost or does not have a sufficient amount of natural bones in their mouth to be able to support dental implants.

The bone can be taken from another part of the mouth and surgically fused to existing bone in the jaw. Sometimes, synthetic bone material is used.

Bone grafting and dental implants often go hand-in-hand in the dental industry.

This deficiency of natural bones can be caused by:

▪️ Development defects

▪️Gum disease

▪️Face injury or trauma

▪️Empty space after teeth were removed

Sometimes, a sinus lift procedure is necessary when the patient needs an implant in the upper jaw, which is not typically stable enough to hold the implants on their own.

Everyone doesn’t need a bone graft before getting a dental implant. The only way to know if you’ll need a bone graft is to schedule a consultation, and you’ll find out if you need one and if so, what type of bone graft is needed. 

A bone graft will be the first step many people take before they are ready to enjoy their new replacement tooth.

AE DENTAL LOUNGE 200 E Del Mar Blvd. Suite 100 Pasadena, CA. 91105

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